Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Script by Bob Allen

 Scene 2
VOICE TWO:             Lucifer, Son of the Morning, sat on the edge of a silver cloud, listening as the majestic music of God’s creative symphony resounded through the mountains and valleys of newly existent space.  But there was no music on his tongue or in his heart.  Only a nagging, gnawing realization that something, somewhere was    terribly wrong.
VOICE THREE:          How could God do this to me?  Why, I was singing with the Morning Stars long before Adam ever came along to name the animals.  I deserve to be the one reigning over everything.  Well,  I’ll teach Him to overlook me when he chooses a ruler for earth.   I’ll ascend above the tops of the clouds.  I will make myself like the Most High.
VOICE FOUR:            The battle for the utmost heights of the sacred mountain was over  before it even started.  You don’t do battle with God. You don’t inflict wounds on the Almighty.  Lucifer and the angels cast out of heaven were never in any way a serious threat to the sovereignty of God.  But that which was never a threat to God became of great consequence to man and the newly created earth.
VOICE THREE:          Did God say you must not eat from any tree in the garden?  That sounds spiteful and obsessively jealous to me.
VOICE TWO:             Oh, no.  We can eat of all the trees except one.  But we can’t even  touch that one or we will die.
VOICE THREE:          (CROSS LEFT TO CENTER)  Die?  You won’t die.  God is keeping something from you.  Disobedience will open your eyes.  You’ll be like gods.  You’ll be able to decide what is good and    evil.
VOICE TWO:             (MOVE TOWARD # 3)  Our eyes will be opened?
VOICE ONE:              They knew they were naked.  They saw life from sinful eyes, as a life of degradation and shame.
VOICE TWO:             We will be as gods?
VOICE ONE:              Already made in the image of God, sin made them like their father the devil who had originated sin with his pride and rebellion.
VOICE TWO:             We will know how to choose good and evil?
VOICE ONE:              God wanted them to know the difference between good and evil  by accepting His will.  In choosing evil they came to know evil, but lost the capacity to choose good.
VOICE FOUR:            All of Satan’s apples have worms.

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