Saturday, December 14, 2013

Character Needed - Bible Sketches 19

Character Needed, by Robert Allen, published by Regular Baptist Press, includes 33 skits illustrating the truths of each of the verses in Proverbs 15.  These Character Needed – Bible Sketches are designed to accompany those contemporary plays, illustrating the same character traits by use of a Bible story.  



Proverbs 15:19
Genesis 6-8

Character Trait: Diligence

Cast of Characters


TERRY:                      Hi, Bill.  Is it time for devotions?

BILL:                          Hi, Terry.  What are you doing over here?  You just went home for supper a few minutes ago.

TERRY:                      Oh, I hurried so I wouldn’t miss devotions.

BILL:                          Don’t you have devotions over at your house?

TERRY:                      Sometimes.  But I like yours, because you sing and act out stories.  Can I come in?

DAD:                          Of course you can, Terry.  You sit on the couch right there beside Bill.  We were just about to read some verses from the book of Genesis.  Do you want to read with us?

TERRY:                      Sure.

DAD:                          All right.  Terry, you read Genesis 6:8.  Then Bill can read verse nine and Betty the next verse, and mother and I will finish up.

TERRY:                      “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”

BILL:                          “These are the generations of Noah.  Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.”

BETTY:                      “And Noah begat three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.”

MOTHER:                  “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence, and God looked upon the earth, and behold it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.”

DAD:                          “And God said unto Noah: The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth.  Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.”  Now, children, I’m going to ask each of you what one important lesson we can learn from the story of Noah.  Susie?  You first.

SUSIE:                        We should eat ham.

DAD:                          What? 

SUSIE:                        We should eat ham, because Noah did.

DAD:                          Ham?  No, Susie.  That was the name of one of Noah’s sons.  They didn’t eat ham. 

SUSIE:                        That’s a funny name.

DAD:                          I suppose it is.  But he probably would think Susie is a funny name, too.  Terry, what lesson did you learn?

TERRY:                      Well, I guess we should walk with God like Noah did.

DAD:                          That’s a good lesson.  Billy?

BILLY:                       I guess we can learn that God always punishes sin.

DAD:                          Yes He does.  And Betty?

BETTY:                      Well, Noah wasn’t lazy, and I guess we shouldn’t be lazy either.

DAD:                          Very good.  That’s a practical lesson for all of us.  Did you know that Noah worked on the ark for one hundred and twenty years?  He certainly couldn’t be accused of being lazy.  Say, would you like to use your imaginations tonight?  What do you suppose those people said to Noah while he was building the ark?  Billy, you pretend to be Noah.  And the rest of us will be townspeople.  OK?

TERRY:                      Still building, old man?

MOTHER:                  Aren’t you just about finished?  You’ve been at this project for over one hundred years.

BETTY:                      What are you going to do with it when you get it built?  Turn it into a restaurant?

SUSIE:                        I hear he’s going to turn it into a zoo.

MOTHER:                  And I hear that he says it’s going to rain.

TERRY:                      Rain?  What’s rain?

MOTHER:                  That’s what I said.  But old Noah there says that rain is water that falls out of the clouds.

BILLY:                       That’s exactly what it is.  Water that falls from the clouds.

BETTY:                      I’ve never seen water fall from the clouds.

MOTHER:                  I heard him say that so much water will fall it will cover our houses.

BILLY:                       That’s right.  It’s going to destroy everything.

TERRY:                      Cover our houses?

BETTY:                      And the trees?

SUSIE:                        And the hills?

MOTHER:                  And the mountains?

TERRY:                      The mountains?  That man’s definitely a loony.

BETTY:                      Out of his gourd.  The sooner he climbs into his ark, the better.

TERRY:                      I agree.  Water from heaven?  What do you suppose rain would feel like, anyway?

BETTY:                      Oh, I guess it would feel like those little drops of water that are hitting us on the head.

TERRY:                      Drops of water?

SUSIE:                        On our heads?

MOTHER:                  It’s rain!

DAD:                          Noah was right.  And because he believed God, he and all of his family were the only ones saved from the destruction of the flood.


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