Act IV - The Prophets, Scene 7
Script by Bob Allen
For four voices
Scene 7
4 1 3 2
VOICE ONE: The armies of Edom celebrated
jubilantly. After years of oppression at
the hands of their neighbors from Jerusalem, they allied themselves with the
Arabians and Philistines and won a great victory. No more occupying armies from across the
Jordan. No more taxes due annually to
King Jehoram. In fact, if the reports of
the battle were correct, they had killed all but one of the king’s sons. The Davidic dynasty, which had plagued them
for hundreds of years, lay in ruins.
VOICE THREE: At the very zenith of the celebration,
when spirits were at their peak, a messenger arrived from Jerusalem. He carried a small scroll, hardly large
enough to roll into a circle and tie with a scrap of leather. The message came from the Prophet Obadiah.
VOICE TWO: “You who live in the clefts of the
rock, from there I will bring you down,” declares the Lord.
VOICE ONE: Immediately the mood of the
festivities changed. The people of Edom
had seen what the God of Judah had done in the past. He had destroyed the Egyptian army at the
Red Sea. He had demolished the city of
Jericho with a shout. He had devastated
the Philistines after the defeat of their gigantic hero Goliath. King Jehoram’s father Jehoshaphat had won a
victory over Ammon and Moab simply by singing and praising the Lord in the
valley of Beracah.
VOICE FOUR: Now God was directing his attention
toward them, and they weren’t sure they wanted to be noticed that way.
VOICE TWO: As you have done, it will be done to
you. Your dealings will return on your
own head. Then the house of Jacob will
be a fire, but the house of Esau will be as stubble. The kingdom will be the Lord’s!
VOICE FOUR: They had won a battle against Judah,
while at the same time succeeding in arousing the anger of Almighty God. Now, according to the Prophet Obadiah, they
would learn what it meant to fear God!
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