Saturday, October 5, 2013

Act V - The Synoptic Gospels
Script by Bob Allen
For four voices

Scene 2

1                    2

VOICE TWO:             John, the son of Zacharias the priest, had witnessed the death of                                                multitudes of sacrificial lambs.

VOICE THREE:          Now, as the prophesied forerunner of the Messiah, he announced                                              through baptism the ministry of the perfect Lamb, the once-for-all                                              sacrifice, the One who would die for the sins of the whole world.

VOICE FOUR:            And God was pleased.

VOICE ONE:              Immediately he was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be                                        tempted by the devil.

VOICE TWO:             The fact that this conflict was initiated by the Spirit shows that it                                                 was a challenge, a gauntlet, thrown down before the face of Satan.                                       Satan would give temptation its best shot, but the outcome was                                             never in doubt.

VOICE THREE:          Who will provide for you?  Man’s greatest need is material.                                           Command that these stones be made bread.

VOICE FOUR:            Man shall not live by bread alone—man’s greatest need is                                                         spiritual.

VOICE THREE:          Who will promote you?  Man’s greatest need is power and I will                                               give the kingdoms of the world to those who worship me.

VOICE FOUR:            Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God—man’s greatest need is                                       obedience.

VOICE THREE:          Who will protect you?  Man’s greatest need is safety while living                                                on the edge.  Cast yourself down from the pinnacle.

VOICE FOUR:            Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God—man’s greatest need is to                                             live by faith.  Don’t tempt God—trust God.

VOICE ONE:              And the angels came and rejoiced with him in his victory.

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