Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Act VI - The Gospel of John, Scene 10
Script by Bob Allen
For four voices

Scene 10

4                3                2          1

VOICE ONE: Forty days!

VOICE FOUR: A group of wandering, restless, uncertain disciples. Down in Jerusalem, up in Galilee, back in Jerusalem again. They had been told they were being sent into the world with a message concerning Christ and instead they were wandering about aimlessly.

VOICE THREE: They had all the information they needed to carry the message of Christ to a lost and dying world. They knew He was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. They knew that by believing in His name men could have eternal life—and what were they doing? They were back on the Sea of Galilee fishing for fish.

VOICE TWO: Forty days—because Christ still had lessons for them to learn.

VOICE ONE: The abilities and skills they had were not enough.

VOICE FOUR: They were great fishermen. They had supported themselves and their families for years by fishing. But all night they fished and came up empty.

VOICE THREE: Until Jesus appeared.

VOICE TWO: Without Me, ye can do nothing. He had already taught them that lesson, now He was showing them.

VOICE ONE: What we accomplish is not our own doing.

VOICE FOUR: After an entire night of casting nets and jumping into the cold water to check on the catch, and finding nothing—a voice comes from shore—“Throw your nets on the right side of the boat.”


VOICE TWO: One hundred and fifty-three fish.

VOICE ONE: Without Me, ye can do nothing. He had taught them the lesson, now He was showing them.

VOICE FOUR: Christ will provide for us as we learn to depend upon Him.

VOICE THREE: John was the first to recognize Christ’s voice and say, “It is the Lord,” but Peter was the first to abandon ship and throw himself at the feet of his Master.

VOICE TWO: Peter had denied Christ. He had followed afar off. He had wept bitterly when the crowing of the cock reminded him of his perfidy. He didn’t have it all together yet but he knew one thing—He needed the Lord. Nothing was going to keep him away from Christ this time.

VOICE ONE: (CROSS TO DOWN RIGHT) As he climbs up onto the shore, he sees a charcoal fire. The last charcoal fire he had seen was in the courtyard of the high priest where he warmed himself and blatantly denied ever knowing Jesus Christ. Peter couldn’t escape that guilt, even a fire of coals was enough to remind him of what he had done.

VOICE FOUR: (CROSS RIGHT TO STAND BESIDE READER #1) Do you really love me more than these?

VOICE THREE: Do you still feel self-confident Peter? Can you still lay claim to a love that is greater than the other disciples?

VOICE TWO: He needed restoration because he had boasted in his own strength and failed.

VOICE FOUR: He needed restoration because his love for Christ had not been what it ought to have been.

VOICE THREE; He needed restoration because he still bore the burden of his guilt.

VOICE ONE: Christ asked him three times, “Do you love me?”

VOICE FOUR: He had denied three times, “I know not the man.”

VOICE TWO: And graciously, Christ forgave him.

VOICE THREE: Three times presenting him with his own personal great commission.

VOICE TWO: Tend My lambs.

VOICE ONE: Shepherd My sheep.

VOICE FOUR: Tend My sheep.

ALL: Follow Me!

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