Friday, October 25, 2013

Act VII - Acts and the Epistles, Scene 2
Script by Bob Allen
For four voices

Scene 2

VOICE ONE:             (ENTER LEFT)  They waited.

VOICE TWO:            (ENTER RIGHT)  For ten days they waited.

VOICE THREE:        (ENTER LEFT)  They weren’t idle.  They united God’s people for worship and studied God’s Word for wisdom and demonstrated God’s love at work in their lives—but it was still waiting.

1                 2               4          3

VOICE FOUR:          (SIT)  Because they had been told to wait.

VOICE ONE:             (SIT)  And so they waited.

VOICE TWO:            (SIT)  Ten days!

VOICE THREE:        (SIT)  Ten days to Pentecost.

VOICE TWO:            The first indication that this would be a day unlike any other day they had ever experienced was the sound.  It was the sound of a wind, a violent wind, a cyclonic wind, and it grew in intensity until it seemed as if the entire house was filled with the sound of the wind.

VOICE THREE:        But it was only a sound.

VOICE FOUR:          They didn’t have to pull their robes around them to kept them from blowing in the wind.  They heard the sound of a mighty wind, but only the sound.

VOICE ONE:             That was their first indication that something really unusual was happening.  In fact, something supernatural.

VOICE TWO:            Before their ears could become accustomed to the sound, something that looked like a huge flame of fire appeared over their heads.

VOICE THREE:        When it separated into smaller flames and settled on each of their heads, they realized that while it looked like fire, it did not burn like fire.

VOICE FOUR:          Here was something even more strange than the sound of the wind.  A tongue of fire shot up from the top of each of their heads, but not a single hair was singed.

VOICE ONE:             (STAND)  Stranger yet!  When they began to talk about what was happening, the words that came out of their mouths were not Aramaic or Hebrew or Greek.  Instead, some of them spoke Arabic and some Egyptian.  Some talked in the language of the Medes and Parthians.  Others heard themselves speaking Latin or the Libyan language.

VOICE TWO:            (STAND)  Peter knew that Andrew didn’t know Latin; after all, they were brothers.

VOICE THREE:        (STAND)  John knew that James had never studied Mesopotamian.  And yet he was speaking it fluently.

VOICE FOUR:          (STAND)   Three great supernatural signs within the space of a few minutes.  What did it all mean?

ALL:                           The Holy Spirit had come!

VOICE ONE:             The Spirit of God cannot be seen, so God gave the wind and the fire and the tongues to show them that the Promise of the Father, the Comforter Christ had promised to send, had indeed come down to live within the people of God.

VOICE TWO:            It was the coming of the Holy Spirit that made possible the The Acts of Jesus Christ—Book II.

VOICE THREE:        The Holy Spirit gave Peter the message he delivered on the day of Pentecost when three thousand souls were saved.

VOICE FOUR:          The Holy Spirit empowered Peter and John with boldness when they gave a ringing testimony concerning the work of Christ before the Sanhedrin.

VOICE ONE:             The Holy Spirit filled Stephen as he preached Christ and then became the first martyr, praying for his accusers as their stones beat upon his body.

VOICE TWO:            The Holy Spirit met Saul, the persecutor, on his way to Damascus and transformed him into Paul the apostle.

VOICE THREE:        The Holy Spirit—by continuing the work of Jesus Christ through the lives of His body the church—wrote The Acts of Jesus Christ—Book II.

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