Saturday, November 16, 2013

Act VIII - General Epistles and Revelation
Script by Bob Allen
For four voices

Scene 5

                                                3                                  4   2   1

VOICE THREE: Hello, my name is Jude, the brother of James.

VOICE FOUR: He’s also the half-brother of Jesus, but he would rather be known as a bond-servant to Christ. He didn’t believe on Him until after the resurrection, but now there is no one in the all the world who has a stronger conviction that this man who grew up in the same house as he was indeed the Messiah, the Chosen One, the Divine Son of God.

VOICE THREE: I wanted to write a letter to you about the salvation we share through the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

VOICE TWO: He wanted to write a gospel, a life of Christ from the viewpoint of one who grew up with Him. But the Holy Spirit wanted him to write a different book.

VOICE THREE: I felt it necessary to write to you and encourage you in your defense of the faith—your opposition to those who deny “our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.”

VOICE ONE: Instead of a gospel, Jude wrote a warning against the patriarchs of apostasy.

VOICE THREE: Woe to those who follow the way of Cain.

VOICE FOUR: Deliberate disobedience to the revealed will of God and a refusal to repent when faced with his sin.

VOICE THREE: Woe to those who rush headlong into the error of Balaam.

VOICE TWO: Outwardly proclaiming a message from God while teaching the enemies of God how to tempt the people of God to sin.

VOICE THREE: Woe to those who rebel like Korah.

VOICE ONE: Undermining God’s authority and leading people astray by proclaiming themselves as leaders.

VOICE THREE: A warning!

VOICE FOUR: And not a gospel.

OICE THREE: “To Him who is able to keep you from stumbling.”

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