Act VIII - General Epistles and Revelation
Script by Bob Allen
For four voices
Scene 4
1 4 2
VOICE TWO: John, the beloved disciple.
VOICE THREE: Now an old man, one who had walked in fellowship with Christ for many years.
VOICE FOUR: He had lived to see the rapid rise and extensive spread of the church through its witness in Jerusalem, Judea and unto the uttermost parts of the world.
VOICE ONE: He had lived to see the opposition from religious Judaism, political Rome and home-grown heresies.
VOICE TWO: His heart of love, warmed to a passionate fire by the One who first loved him, longed above all to hear “of my children walking in the truth.”
VOICE THREE: Truth—from the light of God.
VOICE FOUR: Truth—in the life of the believer.
VOICE ONE: Truth—that demonstrates God’s love through us.
VOICE TWO: Walk in the light as He is in the light.
VOICE THREE: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.
VOICE FOUR: Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
VOICE ONE: The light of God.
VOICE TWO: The life of God.
VOICE THREE: The love of God.
VOICE FOUR: John had spent his life in Christ,
VOICE ONE: Walking in the light of God’s Word,
VOICE TWO: And demonstrating the love of God toward others.
VOICE THREE: His love from God produced a heart that obeyed God completely while at the same time showing compassion toward the brethren.
VOICE FOUR: His light from God convinced him of the absolute trustworthiness of the Word of God and a concern that the church not be led astray by false teachers.
VOICE ONE: His life from God demonstrated the work of One who “laid down His life for us” and so convinced John to “lay down his life for the brethren.”
VOICE ONE: John, the beloved disciple.
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