Friday, December 6, 2013

Character Needed - Bible Sketches 13

Character Needed, by Robert Allen, published by Regular Baptist Press, includes 33 skits illustrating the truths of each of the verses in Proverbs 15.  These Character Needed – Bible Sketches are designed to accompany those contemporary plays, illustrating the same character traits by use of a Bible story.  



Proverbs 15:13
I Samuel 17:1-58

Character Trait: Joy

Cast of Characters


NARRATOR:             David kicked merrily at the stones as he ran along the path toward the valley of Elah.  In a pack on his back was cheese and corn and loaves of bread for his brothers who were off with the army of King Saul fighting the Philistines.  But David wasn’t thinking about battles and fighting.  He was just enjoying the trip as he ran across the countryside to carry the food to his brothers.  He was so happy that he made up words to praise God as he ran.

DAVID:                      Praise ye the Lord.  Praise ye the Lord from the heavens.  Praise Him from the heights.  Praise ye Him, all His angels.  Praise Him all His hosts.

NARRATOR:             David had left very early that morning, early enough to see the sun rise as it came up over the Judean hills.  And now he was getting very close to the camp of the Israelite army.  He could see all of the tents spread out across the valley, and he could look over to the side of the opposite hill where the tents of the Philistines were pitched.  Quickly he found where his brothers were camping and gave them the food.  They were just sitting there in the doors of their tents.  David hadn’t really expected to find them there, he thought they would be out in battle.

DAVID:                      Why isn’t the battle going on today?  Has King Saul declared a truce?

ELIAB:                       No way.  Just listen.  You’ll understand.

NARRATOR:             Just then, across the valley,  David spotted one of the biggest men he had ever seen.  He turned to ask his brother who it was, but then  he heard the voice.

GOLIATH:                 I defy the army of Israel.  I am Goliath, the Philistine.  And you are the servants of Saul.  Why are you come out to battle against us?  Choose one man to come and fight with me.  If he is able to defeat me, then we will be your servants.  But if I am able to kill him, then you will be our servants.  I defy the army of Israel.  Give me a man that he may fight with me!

DAVID:                      Well?

ELIAB:                       Well, what?

DAVID:                      Why doesn’t someone go fight with him?

ELIAB:                       Fight him?

DAVID:                      Sure, who does he think he is, defying the army of the living God?  Why, he’s just an uncircumcised Philistine.  He doesn’t have any business challenging God’s army like that.  Why, I would think that every man in the entire valley would be anxious to get out there and fight him.

ELIAB:                       And I suppose you could defeat him?

DAVID:                      Sure I could.  When I was watching sheep, a lion came one day.  And other day a bear took a lamb out of the flock.  I took that lion by the throat and killed him to rescue my little lamb.  I killed both the lion and the bear, and I can defeat this Philistine giant.   Why, he has defied the army of the living God.  He can’t get away with that.

ELIAB:                       Oh, go back to your sheep.

NARRATOR:             That’s what all his brothers said to him.  But then King Saul heard what David was saying, and before David knew it, he was on his way to do just what he said he could do.  Well, fighting a giant was not what David had planned to do when he got up that morning, but it was still a great day because he knew that God would be with him.  So he was singing and praising God as he walked down the path toward the valley where Goliath waited.  As he came to a little stream, he stopped, picked up five smooth stones, and then started on again toward Goliath.

GOLIATH                  Hah!   What’s this?  They’re sending a little red-haired kid to fight me?  Why don’t you go back to your mother where you belong, kid?

DAVID:                      You have your shield and spear and sword, Goliath.  But I have something better.  I come to you in the power of the Lord of hosts, the God of the army of Israel, the One you have defied.

GOLIATH:                 Hah, hah!   You’re going to need all the power you can get. Do you think I’m a dog or something?  Are you going to chase me away with that little stick you are carrying?  Or maybe you think you can scare me with your sling?

DAVID:                      This day the Lord is going to deliver you into my hand, Goliath.  I’m going to smite you and take your head, and we’re going to defeat your entire army to boot.

GOLIATH:                 What a joke!  I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous in all my life.  Why, my sword is bigger than you are.  Oh well, let’s get it over with.  Come on over here and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the animals to tear apart after I have killed you.

DAVID:                      You can try.  But today everyone is going to know that the Lord doesn’t save anyone with the sword and spear.  This battle belongs to the Lord, and no giant can defeat Him.  He will give you into my hand, and then everyone will know that there is a God in Israel.

NARRATOR:             Goliath picked up his sword and spear then, and started down toward David.  He knew this would be easy.  He was all covered with armor and David didn’t even have a spear.  As he lumbered down the path, he started slashing his sword through the air.  Each time it swung around it came closer and closer to David.  But David didn’t wait for him to come all the way.  He took one of the smooth stones and put it carefully into his sling.  Then he started swinging it around and around.  When the sling was going so fast that you couldn’t even see it, David released the stone.  It flew straight toward the giant and hit him in the only place not covered with armor, his forehead.  The huge giant’s knees crumpled and he fell down dead.

DAVID:                      That will teach you to defy the army of the living God.  Forward, men!  Charge the Philistines, for the battle is the Lord’s!

NARRATOR:             Well, it was a great day.  And when it was over, David was even happier than he had been when the day began.  For he knew that God had been with him all the day.

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