Character Needed,
by Robert Allen, published by Regular Baptist Press, includes 33 skits
illustrating the truths of each of the verses in Proverbs 15. These Character
Needed – Bible Sketches are designed to accompany those contemporary plays,
illustrating the same character traits by use of a Bible story.
Proverbs 15:24
John 4:6-26
Character Trait:
Cast of Characters
NARRATOR: Jesus was tired. He had stayed up late into the night talking
with Nicodemas. He had been preaching
during the days and traveling with His disciples. Right now they were on their way from Judea
up to Galilee, and it was a long walk. So when they came to the city of Sychar, in Samaria,
Jesus was ready for a rest. He sat down
beside the well.
JOHN: We’ll go get something
to eat, Jesus.
JESUS: That would be fine.
PETER: I’m sure we can buy
something over in the city.
JESUS: Certainly, go right
NARRATOR: So the disciples went over to the
city of Sychar
to buy some meat. While they were gone,
a woman came to the well to draw water.
Jesus wanted to talk to her about her need of salvation, so he began a
conversation with her.
JESUS: Give me a drink, please.
SAMARITAN: But sir, you are a Jew. How can you ask me for a drink? I am a woman of Samaria.
The Jews don’t have anything to do with the Samaritans. Your people haven’t had any dealings with us
since just after the captivity. Did I
really hear you right?
NARRATOR: Jesus had accomplished just what he
wanted to do by asking for a drink. He
had aroused her interest. Now he started
to change the conversation from talking about water to talking about salvation.
JESUS: If you knew the gift of
God, and who it is that said to you, “Give me to drink,” you would have asked
of Him, and He would have given you living water.
NARRATOR: The woman looked closer and saw
that Jesus didn’t have a bucket of any kind.
SAMARITAN: But sir, the well is deep and you
don’t have anything to draw water with.
How can you speak of living water?
Are you greater than our father Jacob?
He dug this well and drank from it himself. Do you have a better well?
JESUS: Whoever drinks of this
water will thirst again. But whoever
drinks of the water that I give shall never thirst. The water that I give will become inside of
him a well springing up to everlasting life.
SAMARITAN: Give me some of you water. I get tired of coming out here to draw
water. If I had your water I would never
get thirsty again and I wouldn’t have to come back to this well.
JESUS: Call your husband and
come back again.
NARRATOR: That seemed like a strange thing
for Jesus to say. But he knew that the
woman had been married five times and was now living with a man who wasn’t her
husband. He wanted her to realize she
was a sinner in need of a Savior. He was
still leading the woman to salvation, and it wasn’t long until she began to ask
about the Messiah who had been promised in the Old Testament. When she did that, Jesus revealed Himself to
JESUS: I that speak unto thee
am He.
NARRATOR: When the woman heard that He was
the Messiah she was so excited that she went back into the city and began to
tell everyone she met about Christ. Many
of them followed her back out to the well to hear Christ speak. And many of them came to believe on Him just
as she had believed. When the disciples
returned they were amazed that all of those things had happened just because
Jesus had asked for a cup of water.
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