Character Needed,
by Robert Allen, published by Regular Baptist Press, includes 33 skits
illustrating the truths of each of the verses in Proverbs 15. These Character
Needed – Bible Sketches are designed to accompany those contemporary plays,
illustrating the same character traits by use of a Bible story.
Proverbs 15:20
Luke 6:46-49
Character Trait: Honor
Cast of Characters
MIRIAM: Oh, Hannah. Guess what.
My husband is going to build me a new house. Just last night he told me. He’s been making plans for it for a long
time. And now we’re really going to have
a new house. Oh, I’m so excited.
NARRATOR: Miriam had gone to the marketplace
that day just so she could find someone to tell her good news. She had wanted to run out and tell someone
the night before, but it had been too late when her husband came home from work
and shared the news with her. So early
that morning she had set out for the marketplace. Hannah was the first person she met.
HANNAH: That’s wonderful, Miriam. I’m so glad.
Where are you going to live? Is
it anywhere near the property where my husband is building our house?
MIRIAM: Well, I don’t know for
sure. I didn’t realize you were actually
building yet.
HANNAH: We’re not. That is, we’re not putting up walls yet. But my husband has been digging. It has taken him longer than he thought it
would. But he wanted to make sure he was
all the way down to the rock before he laid the foundation. It’s a beautiful site overlooking the Brook
MIRIAM: Why, that’s where we’re
building. Right beside the Brook Kidron.
HANNAH: Great! Then we’ll be neighbors. That will be exciting. Well, I have to get my shopping done. See you later.
NARRATOR: As the two women went on their way,
Miriam couldn’t forget what Hannah had said about digging deep so they could
put their foundation on the rock. Her
husband hadn’t said anything about doing any digging. He had talked like they would be putting up
the walls right away. So she asked him about
it, and the next time she saw Hannah, she had the answer.
MIRIAM: Oh, Hannah. I’m so glad to run into you. I just have to tell you about our house. I was over there yesterday and the walls are
already starting to go up. And I think I
saw where your house is going to be. At
least I saw a hole in the ground.
HANNAH: That’s it, all right. My husband finally got down to the bedrock,
and just this week he started to lay the foundation. The foundation will be awfully deep, and it’s
going to take longer to get up to where we can start the walls than we thought.
MIRIAM: Won’t that take more money
HANNAH: Yes, but my husband says it
will be worth it.
MIRIAM: Well, I asked my husband
about it and he said he was going to use the money he saved by not digging in
order to improve the outside of our house.
He said that the outside is what people see, and he wants to have the
best-looking house in town.
HANNAH: That’s wonderful, Miriam. I’m so glad for you. And I know you will be really happy in your
new home. But I’m glad my husband is
spending all that time digging deep.
Somehow I feel so much safer knowing our house’s foundation is built on
solid rock.
NARRATOR: It was almost three weeks later
when the two women met in the marketplace again. Miriam was obviously in a hurry, but she took
time to stop and talk anyway.
MIRIAM: Oh, Hannah. It’s finished. We’re going to move in this weekend. And it’s beautiful, Hannah. It’s just beautiful.
HANNAH: That’s so exciting,
Miriam. And it is beautiful.
MIRIAM: Then you’ve seen it?
HANNAH: Yes, we went by there a couple
of days ago on the way to see our house.
MIRIAM: How is your house coming?
HANNAH: Well, the walls are starting to
go up now. It will probably be a month
of so before we can move in. The
foundation took so long, you know.
MIRIAM: That’s too bad. Your husband should have done like mine and
just built on top of the ground. It was
so much faster. We were able to do so
much with the money we saved, new furniture and landscaping and
everything. Well, I’ve got to hurry home
and finish packing.
NARRATOR: Another month went by, and finally
Hannah and her husband moved into their new house right next to Miriam and her
family. The two houses looked very much
alike. Oh, Miriam’s had a few beautiful
doors and windows that Hannah’s husband hadn’t been able to afford. But to look at them, you couldn’t tell
anything different at all about the foundation.
Then, one night, a storm blew in.
It raged all night with torrents of rain from the Judean hills. The Brook Kidron rose out of its banks and as
the flood of water rushed down the valley both houses stood right in its
path. For a while it looked as if both
houses would survive the storm, but then sand began to seep out from under the
walls of Miriam’s house. With a great
crash, the entire house fell into the flood.
The next morning Hannah and her husband went out to look over the
damage. Their house still stood while
the neighbor’s house was completely destroyed.
HANNAH: Oh, husband. I’m so glad you took time to dig deep and
build our house on the rock. It has made
all the difference in the world.
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