Character Needed,
by Robert Allen, published by Regular Baptist Press, includes 33 skits
illustrating the truths of each of the verses in Proverbs 15. These Character
Needed – Bible Sketches are designed to accompany those contemporary plays,
illustrating the same character traits by use of a Bible story.
Proverbs 15:9
Acts 12:12-17
Character Trait: Example
Cast of Characters
SFX: Knocking
a minute! I’m coming!
NARRATOR: Rhoda ran quickly from the inner
court to the front door where still another family was gathered awaiting
someone to let them in. Carefully she
peered through the narrow slit next to the door. So far everyone who had knocked on the door
had been friends, but it was important to be careful. If the soldiers found out about their prayer
meeting, they might come and break it up.
Outside the
door Rhoda could see her friend Samuel standing with his parents. Quickly she pulled the latch and opened the door
RHODA: Hello, Sarah and
Benjamin. Hello, Samuel. Come on in.
Everyone is gathered in the inner courtroom.
NARRATOR: Benjamin and Sarah nodded without
answering and moved off into the house.
But Samuel stayed behind.
SAMUEL: It’s Peter, isn’t it?
RHODA: Yes, Samuel. He’s in prison. Herod put him there for preaching about
SAMUEL: What are they going to do to
RHODA: Well, I heard Father say
that Herod has already announced the sentence.
Tomorrow morning they’re going to take him out of prison and kill him.
SAMUEL: They can’t do that!
RHODA: Yes, they can, Samuel. The Romans run our country. Remember what they did to Jesus?
SAMUEL: But there must be something we
can do.
RHODA: All we can do is pray. That’s why everyone has come here
tonight. We’re going to pray all night
if we need to. Only God can help Peter
NARRATOR: As Rhoda and Samuel came into the
inner court, they noticed that the Christians had divided into two groups. The men were standing on the far side of the
room with their eyes open and their hands lifted up toward heaven, pleading
with God to save Peter from certain death.
The women
were seated in a tightly-knit group on the other side of the room, heads bowed
and eyes closed, but just a fervently pleading for the life of the great
apostle. Samuel moved off to join the
men, and Rhoda knelt on the floor next to her mother just as the older woman
started to pray.
MOTHER: Dear God, you know how much
Peter has done for Christ since the resurrection. So many people here in Jerusalem
have come to know You because of his preaching.
And now, King Herod has put him in prison and says he is going to kill
him. Please, God, do not let them kill
NARRATOR: While this prayer meeting was taking
place in Rhoda’s home, Peter was sound asleep.
There were chains on his ankles and wrists. There was a soldier standing next to him on
the left and another soldier on his right.
The cell door was locked with a big padlock, and two more soldiers were
standing outside on guard. There was no
way Peter could do anything else, so he decided to get some sleep.
Suddenly, a
bright light shone in his eyes. He tried
to cover them with his hand, but his hand was chained down. So instead, he just turned his head away and
tried to go back to sleep. But whoever
was shining the light in his face wouldn’t let him sleep. They started touching him on his side and
said, “Get up, Peter. Arise up quickly.”
PETER: But I can’t! I’m chained down to these soldiers. And even if I could, there would be the cell
door and the guards outside, and then there is a hug door at the entrance to
the prison. What do you mean, get up?
NARRATOR: But whoever was shining the light
kept patting him. Finally he turned over
and opened one eye. There was an
angel! He was as bright as the sunlight,
and was standing right in front of the soldiers. Quickly, Peter sat up, and as he did the
chains fell off his wrists. Then he
stood up, and as he did, the chains fell off his ankles.
The angel
motioned to him to follow, and the two of them walked right out of the cell
through the door, which was now somehow open.
The two guards outside the cell were just like the two inside. They stood there and looked right at the
angel, but they acted like they weren’t seeing a thing. No one even tried to stop them as Peter and
the angel walked down the long hall toward the front gate. As they came up to the iron gate, Peter
stopped. He didn’t see how they would
ever get through that gate, but the angel just kept on walking.
As he got
right up to the gate, it swung back on its hinges and opened as if an invisible
hand was moving it. Peter knew he was
dreaming then, but he followed the angel out through the gate and into the
street. Suddenly he realized that it
wasn’t a dream at all. The angel of the
Lord had really come to rescue him from prison!
He turned to say thank you, but the street was empty. The angel was gone!
Peter was so
excited about his rescue that he decided to go straight over to Rhoda’s
house. He had heard that the Christians
were praying for him, and he wanted them to be the first to know that their
prayers had been answered. Rhoda was
still with the others in the inner courtyard praying when the knock came on the
SFX: Three knocks.
NARRATOR: Quickly Rhoda rose to her feet and
ran to the door just as she had to let all the others in. Her first thought was that someone was
arriving very late for the prayer meeting.
And her second thought was one that sent cold chills up and down her
spine…soldiers! She peered through the
crack, but it was dark outside and hard to see.
RHODA: Who’s there?
PETER: It’s me, Simon
Peter. Let me in, Rhoda.
NARRATOR: Rhoda could not believe her
ears. But she would have known that voice
anywhere. It really was Simon
Peter! He was really out of prison and
was standing at the door. Their prayers
had been answered! Rhoda was so excited
that she forgot to unlatch the door and let Peter in. Instead, she raced back down the hall to the
inner court, yelling as she ran.
RHODA: It happened! Our prayers have been answered. Peter is free! He’s standing out front at the gate!
MOTHER: You must be mistaken, Rhoda.
SAMUEL: She’s mad!
SARAH: That’s for sure!
BENJAMIN: He can’t be free!
RHODA: But he is! He’s at the door, I tell you!
BENJAMIN: It can’t be Peter.
MOTHER: It must be his angel. Herod must have killed him early and now his
angel has come.
RHODA: It’s really Peter. Listen, he’s still knocking.
SFX: Knocking
SAMUEL: Well, why doesn’t someone let
him in?
MOTHER: That’s a good idea. Rhoda, go let him in. Then we will know if it’s really Peter.
NARRATOR: So all the Christians crowded into
the hallway while Rhoda undid the latch and opened the door. Sure enough, there was Peter, waiting to come
MOTHER: Simon Peter! How did you get here? We thought you were in prison.
PETER: I was. If you’ll let me in, I’ll tell you all about
NARRATOR: All the people moved aside and then
followed Peter as he made his way back to the inner court. When everyone was in and quiet, he told his
PETER: I was sleeping tonight
between two soldiers when suddenly I was awakened by an angel. I thought I was dreaming when he led me out
of the cell and down the prison hallway.
And then the big iron gate opened up without anyone touching it, and
before I knew it we were out on the street.
It was only then that I realized I was not dreaming. God had sent His angel and had delivered me
from the hand of Herod. Won’t he be
surprised when he comes to kill me tomorrow and finds that God has set me free?
MOTHER: I guess we didn’t have much
faith. God rescued Peter from prison
just like we asked Him to, and then we didn’t even believe it was Peter. I think we ought to pray again, and this time
thank God for answering our prayers.
NARRATOR: And that is just what they did.
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