Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Seven Deadly Sins Go West - Bound and Determined







Bound and Determined

By Bob Allen

“For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty.”
Proverbs 23:21

“All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.”
I Corinthians 6:12

Deadly Sin: Gluttony


            Rocky Rhodes,                                  – A true-blue, rootin’-tootin’

Western cowboy.

            Junior Stetson                                    -Young wrangler who struggles with a                                                                                           weight problem.

            Dave Leatherman                             -A cowboy obsessed with the                                                                                                            accumulation of belts.




DAVE:                        Obesity!  That’s the problem with this country.  It wasn’t fat                                               cowboys who won the west, mark my word.  And those fellows out                                   in the arena would never be able to break those horses if they were                                            carrying 75 extra pounds around.

ROCKY:                     Maybe the old-timers were so busy riding the range that they                                               didn’t have time to cook on the range.

DAVE:                        Is that supposed to be funny?  Gluttony is not funny.  Fat kills.                                           Every extra pound a man gains takes another hour off his life.

ROCKY:                     So a man who is one hundred pounds overweight will die four days                                    earlier.  Right?

DAVE:                        Hey, what is this?  You trying to protect Junior here from the                                              truth?  Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins.  Why if one of                                           those wild stallions the ranch hands are breaking came busting                                        through this fence his extra weight would make him a sitting                                        duck.  He’d never be able to run fast enough to get away.

JUNIOR:                    You’re right, Dave.  And I’m trying hard to get my weight under                                        control.  I really don’t want to lose control to anything, even                                               something as good as food.

DAVE:                        Well, it seems to me you need to try a little harder.  Must have                                            taken two cows to make all the leather in that belt you’re wearing.                                      Would you give it to me?

JUNIOR:                    My belt?

DAVE:                        No, your fat.  Of course, your belt.  One that size would be a great                                      addition to my collection.

ROCKY:                     But you already have more belts than you can possible use.

DAVE:                        Use?  Who said anything about using.  I collect belts because they                                      make me feel good.  There’s nothing more comforting when you                                         are having a bad day than running your hand across the smooth                                              texture of a leather belt.

JUNIOR:                    (REMOVING HIS BELT)  Where do you want it? 

DAVE:                        I don’t know.  There’s not a lot of space left is there.  Why don’t                                        you wrap it around my legs.

JUNIOR:                    (KNEELS DOWN AND WRAPS HIS BELT SEVERAL TIMES                                                 AROUND DAVE’S LEGS BEFORE CINCHING IT.)  There.                                          How’s that.

DAVE:                        Wonderful.  How about yours, Rocky?

ROCKY:                     My what?

DAVE:                        Your belt.  I need a new belt to celebrate the ride Sam just finished                                                 on that wild stallion.  I always add a new belt when it’s time to                                           celebrate something.

ROCKY:                     (REMOVING HIS BELT)  Where do you want this one?

DAVE:                        Guess it will have to go around my wrists.  Everything else is                                              leathered already.

ROCKY:                     (WRAPPING HIS BELT TIGHTLY AROUND DAVE’S                                       WRISTS.)  You know something, Dave.  If one of those wild                                       stallions the ranch hands are breaking came busting through this                                       fence, your extra belts would make you a sitting duck.  You’d                                        never be able to run fast enough to get away.

DAVE:                        Very funny.  Well let me tell you something.  I’m not controlled by                                     my belts.  I’m not a glutton, if that’s what you’re trying to imply.                                              I can take them or leave them.  I just choose to take them.                                                       (TRYING TO SHIFT POSITIONS IN ORDER TO LOOK AT                                                ROCKY, DAVE LOSES HIS BALANCE AND FALLS TO THE                                                 GROUND.)

JUNIOR:                    Do you want me to take my belt off your legs?

DAVE:                        (STRUGGLING UNSUCESSFULLY TO GET UP)  Don’t you                                        dare touch that belt.  It’s mine now.

ROCKY:                     I think that perhaps we both need to take our belts back.  They’re                                        really not helping you.

DAVE:                        I’m doing fine.  In fact, I need another belt.  Could you ask one of                                                the ranch hands to throw his belt across the fence?

ROCKY:                     What would you do with it?

DAVE:                        I still have an open space between by wrists and my elbows.

JUNIOR:                    But that won’t help you get up.  That won’t help you recover.

DAVE:                        Maybe not.  But a new belt always makes me feel better.  Ask                                     them for their belts.  Please.  I beg of you.  Don’t leave me in this                                     state.  (ROCKY AND JUNIOR START TO WALK AWAY.)                                     What’s the matter?  Having a big Mac attack?  Going off                                      somewhere to super size yourself?  You’ve got a problem, Junior.                                      Food’s got you under its spell.  Fat kills!  No!  No!  Don’t just                                                        walk away from me.  I need more belts.  Don’t you even care?                                     (ROCKY AND JUNIOR EXIT.)  Don’t leave me here alone.                                     Come back.  I need more belts.  Please.  Won’t someone out there                                     give me another belt?

The End


  1. Why is gluttony considered a deadly sin?
  2. Is it possible for a person to display gluttony toward something besides food?
  3. How does a person lose control as a result of gluttony?
  4. Is one type of gluttony more deadly than another?
  5. Why does Proverbs 23:21 indicate that gluttony leads to poverty?
  6. What conclusions can be drawn from the association of drunkenness and gluttony in Proverbs 23:21?
  7. Do those who try to protect others from gluttony tend to focus on gluttonous behavior concerning food and ignore other offenses?
  8. What is the best way to provide help to a person caught up in gluttonous behavior?
  9. What does I Corinthians 6:12 teach concerning moral behavior and the sin of gluttony?
  10. How can a person deal with the temptation to engage in gluttony?

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