Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Seven Deadly Sins Go West - Translation Please!




Translation Please!

By Bob Allen

“But they that will be rich fall into temptations and a snare,”
I Timothy 6:9

“For the love of money is the root of all evil:”
I Timothy 6:10

Deadly Sin: Greed


            Rocky Rhodes,                                  – A western cowboy.

            D. D.  Berezskinitski                         -A robber of stagecoaches.

            The Translator                                  -A greedy volunteer.



ROCKY:                     Cuff ‘em and stuff ‘em.  That’s the last stage you’ll rob for a long,                                      long time.

TRANSLATOR:        Good job, Rocky.  You’re getting this sheriff job down pat.

ROCKY:                     (SITS AT THE DESK TO START PAPER WORK)  Thanks for                                        helping me find him.  Now let’s get down to business.  I’m going                                        to need your name and last place of residence.

D.D.:                           Domber Dreski Berezskinitski.

ROCKY:                     Speak up.  I can’t hear you.

D.D:                            No English.  Hypi Yeodervaan.

ROCKY:                     I can’t understand a word you’re saying.

TRANSLATOR:        It’s not English, that’s for sure.

ROCKY:                     I know what he said.  I’m not deaf.

TRANSLATOR:        But I thought you said…

ROCKY:                     (CROSSES UP CLOSE TO THE BARSAND YELLS)                                                      So how do you rob stages if you can’t even speak English?  Is                                      some driver going to stop if you yell Hypi Hypi?

TRANSLATOR:        He had a gun.

ROCKY:                     (TURNS TO THE TRANSLATOR)  Right!  So I’m supposed to                                        tell the judge I don’t know his name and I don’t know how he                                      stopped the stage, but he had a gun.  Why is the paper work always                           the hardest part of this job?

TRANSLATOR:        Maybe I can help.  His name is D. D. Berezskinitski.

ROCKY:                     How did you know that?

TRANSLATOR:        It’s what he said when you asked for his name.

ROCKY:                     It is?  (STARTS TO WRITE)  How do you spell it?

TRANSLATOR:        D. D.

ROCKY:                     Got that.

TRANSLATOR:        B plus thirteen.

ROCKY:                     Right.  Can you get the rest of these questions answered?

TRANSLATOR:        I’ll give it a try.

ROCKY:                     (YELLS AT D.D.)  Did you rob the stage?

TRANSLATOR:        (MOVES NEAR THE BARS BUT AS FAR FROM ROCKY AS                                                 POSSIBLE AND MOTIONS FOR D.D. TO JOIN HIM)  Did you                                                rob the stage?

D.D.                            (STAGE WHISPER)  What are you doing?  I can’t understand                                           English, remember?  That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

TRANSLATOR:        Right.  But he doesn’t know that.  Give me an answer and I’ll give                                                 one to him.

D.D.                            (LOUDER)  Francerfriskenski.

TRANSLATOR:        He says he robbed the stage all right.  He’s your man.

ROCKY:                     Did you steal the strongbox with the monthly payroll for all the                                           miners?

TRANSLATOR:        Did you steal the strongbox with the payroll for all the miners?

D.D.                            Hendrick par schlitzen frennenen.

TRANSLATOR:        He says, “You bet your sweet life I stole the payroll.”

D.D.                            (STAGE WHISPER)  What are you doing?


ROCKY:                     Did you shoot the man riding shotgun?

TRANSLATOR:        Did you shoot the man riding shotgun?

D.D.                            (STAGE WHISPER)  Of course I did.  He already knows that.

TRANSLATOR:        (STAGE WHISPER)  Just answer the question.

D.D.                            Navro myele postumen.

TRANSLATOR:        Of course he did.  You already know that.

ROCKY:                     (STANDS.  PULLS HIS PISTOL AND WALKS OVER THE TO                                                THE BARS, AIMING THE GUN AT THE ROBBER)  He was my                                   best friend.  If you value your life you had better tell me where the                                            money is buried.

D.D.                            (STAGE WHISPER)  It’s behind my cabin at the edge of town.                                         Tell him, quick.

TRANSLATOR:        (STAGE WHISPER)   You have to tell me first.

D.D.                            (LOUDLY)  Cabinski.  Non catra essen.

TRANSLATOR:        (PULLS ROCKY AWAY FROM THE BARS AND BACK TO                                       THE DESK.)  He says he would rather die than tell you where the                                      money is hidden.

ROCKY:                     (STARTS BACK TOWARD THE BARS WITH THE PISTOL                                         POINTED AT D.D.)  He would, huh!

D.D.                            No.  That’s not what I said.  Don’t shoot.  They money is buried                                         behind my cabin.  It’s all there.  I haven’t even opened the box.

ROCKY:                     (LOOKING CLOSELY AT HIS PISTOL)  Wow!  Didn’t know a                                                 pistol could be such a good English teacher.  It’s better than the                                          Berlitz system.

TRANSLATOR         (TRYING TO SNEAK OUT THE DOOR.)  Guess he changed his                                                 mind.  You won’t be needing me any more.

ROCKY:                     (POINTS PISTOL AT TRANSLATOR)  Just a cotton-pickin’                                            minute.  I think you two are in cahoots.

D.D.                            No way.  He was going to let you kill me to get the money for                                             himself.

ROCKY:                     Greed will get you every time.   In that case he’d better join you in                                                 that there cell.  The judge is going to want to hear about this.                                               (USES THE PISTOL TO FORCE THE TRANSLATOR                                                             TOWARD THE CELL DOOR.)

TRANSLATOR:        Don’t put me in there.  He’ll kill me.

D.D.                            What did you just try to do to me?  You just wanted the money.                                         You would have let him kill me for the money.  (GRABS                                                            TRANSLATOR BY THE THROAT AND STARTS TO CHOKE                                             HIM.)

TRANSLATOR:        You’re the one who stole the money.  Help.  He’s going to kill me.

R0CKY:                      (PUTTING THE TRANSLATOR INTO THE CELL)  Shut up,                                          both of you.    If you kill each other you’ll just save us the cost of a                                     trial.  (WALKING TOWARD THE FRONT DOOR.)  I’ll be back                                            with the judge.  Have fun.



  1. Why is greed considered to be a deadly sin?
  2. When greed does not lead to death, can it still be considered deadly?
  3. What motivates a greedy person to the place where he or she is willing to kill in order to increase wealth?
  4. Why does I Timothy 6:9 describe the result of greed as a snare?
  5. What other desires could motivate a greedy person besides money?
  6. I Timothy 6:10 says that greed forms the basis for all evil.  How does greed lead to other sins besides murder?
  7. Why did Rocky leave to find a judge instead of going to claim the money which had been hidden?
  8. How does greed destroy friendship?
  9. What biblical principles enable a person to gain the victory over greed?

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