Friday, October 23, 2015

Children of Exodus - Son of the Pharoah


Son of the Pharaoh
A monologue for a young boy
By Robert Allen
At midnight the Lord struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well.  Pharaoh and all his officials and all the Egyptians got up during the night, and there was loud wailing in Egypt, for there was not a house without someone dead.”
Exodus 12:29-30

            Who do you think you are, staring at me like that?  Avert your eyes!  Bow your heads!  Kneel in my presence!  I am the firstborn son of the Ruler of the Two Lands.  One day all of his titles will be mine.  Horus of Gold.  Strong Bull of His Mother.  Lord of the Two Lands.  Son of Ra.  Divine of Appearance. 
            One day all the nations of the earth will tremble when they hear my name.  They will hear of my kingdom and despair.    Nothing can destroy the might of the Egyptian Empire, the land of Thutmose and Ra.  My father rules over all, and I will do the same.
            Take this business with the Hebrew slaves, for example.  The audacity of thinking they can conquer our gods with their puny attempts at the miraculous.  When their shepherd spokesmen threatened us with pretending to turn the river into blood, our magicians easily duplicated their demonstration.   When they raised their shepherd rods and made the frogs come up out of the water and into the houses of the people, our mighty magicians did the same.
            But that is when my father showed his political savvy.  He told them to get rid of the frogs and in turn he would let the people go just like they asked.  But, of course, he had no intention of keeping that promise.  As soon as the frogs were gone he told them to get lost.  There is no way we are going to release over a million slaves.  Who would build the pyramids?  Who would haul water from the Nile to irrigate our crops?  Who would make it possible for us to enjoy the lavish life-style of luxury which the ownership of so many slaves makes available?
            Those stupid shepherd spokesmen are so gullible.  All father has to do is promise that he will let them go and they immediately accept his word as truth and stop the hail or eliminate the boils or call up a wind to carry away the locust.  You would think they would catch on after awhile.    The mighty Pharaoh is not going to let a bunch of tricksters change his mind.  I know I won’t when I become the Pharaoh.  All power belongs to the Lord of the Two Lands.  It has been decreed by the gods themselves.  Nothing can defeat us.  Not even the God these Hebrews claim to serve.  After all, if he is that powerful, how come he allowed them to become slaves in the first place? 
            That is why I am not worried about this latest threat.   They claim that some kind of death angel is going to appear tonight and slay the first born sons of every Egyptian family.  What a joke.  I am protected by the might of the Egyptian army.   Father’s bodyguards are the most powerful men in all the land.  Besides that, I have the seal of the priests of Ra upon my forehead.  No Hebrew death angel could ever remove the seal of the priests of Ra.  I am invincible.  I am the son of the Ruler of the Two Lands.  One day all his titles will be mine.  Horus of Gold.  Strong Bull of His Mother.  Lord of the Two Lands.  Son of Ra.  Divine of Appearance.   I shall sit on the throne of the kingdom of Egypt.  Nothing can prevent that from happening.  It is my destiny.
            Don’t look at me like that.    Is that pity in your face?  I despise pity.  Avert your eyes.  Bow your heads.  Kneel before me.  I am the firstborn son of the Pharaoh, and nothing will keep me from my destiny.  Nothing!


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