Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Theosmusica - Stanza One - Eternity

On October 11, 2015 I posted the Prologue for my long narrative poem THEOSMUSICA.  The poem in its entirety is available in Kindle Books.  It illustrates musically the attributes of God.  Here is another sample, the first stanza titled "Eternity."  


When did the world exist without music?
Has it ever been void of a tone acoustic?
Was there before?  And will there be after?
Forms it foundation or merely a rafter?
In the beginning?  A Source that first sang?
Origins simply became with a bang?

Esoteric philosophy, shrouded in mist.
Uncertainty mocks supernaturalist.
But carried by aria unforgettable
To heights of joy never found regrettable
The Source, the Spring, the Fount eternal
Exists!  The constant of sound supernal.

Never a first note, never a last,
Never a moment by silence outcast.
Silence, absorbs into music’s paternity,
Nothing, as nothing, inhabits eternity.
Nothing means something, or contrast finds null.
Something, plus nothing, a vacuum-filled skull.

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