Monday, October 19, 2015

In Bethlehem - A Christmas carol

Today I am posting the lyrics to a Christmas carol my wife and I wrote called "In Bethlehem."  If you are interested in obtaining a choir arrangement of the carol in SATB contact Carmen Allen at


Quiet little town, nestled in the hills,
Peaceful in the stillness of the night.
Flocks all bedded down,
Shepherds watching near,
Over all the starlight's softest glow.
There with the cattle lowing still.
Night breezes drifting across the hill.
Angels announced with exceeding joy.
News of the birth of a baby boy.

Born in Bethlehem, in a stable 'neath the stars.
Born in Bethlehem.
Cradled in a manger
Cherished by the mother.
Welcomed by the shepherds,
Long awaited One, Emmanuel.

Born in Bethlehem, God has come to earth;
Born in Bethlehem.
Hope of all the ages,
Precious gift of heaven.
Son of the Father, Mighty God,
Everlasting Prince of Peace.

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