Sunday, October 11, 2015


by Robert Allen

THEOSMUSICA is a long narrative poem illustrating the attributes of God through a comparison with music.  I am posting only the Prologue on The Scripture Storyteller since the entire poem in book form is available on Amazon Kindle.  If you enjoy this Prologue and would like to read the entire poem look up THEOSMUSICA on Amazon Kindle and be amazed once again at the glory, majesty, love, compassion, justice, mercy, holiness, omnipotence and omniscience of Almighty God.


One beat only making time.
Silence.  Pregnant pause.  Sublime
Foresight.  Then the birth of future.
Present sewn to past.  The suture
Silken thread of sound igniting
Music. Heaven and earth uniting.

Morning stars with voice aligning
Mystic melody.  Heaven delighting
Consonance.  Syncing with rhythmic choices
Glissando blending seraphic voices.
A score, on score, composition divine,
Threads of infinitude sweetly entwine.

Glory revealed in symphonic assonance.
Stars shine, blazing with lighting extravagance.
Premiere performance, opening night,
Every musician a rank neophyte.
Triune production, fantasia’s debut.
Theosmusica comes!  Quiescence adieu.

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